Perception of Life’s Lessons

Today I spent some time in the hammock because I was rather tired from being up really early. I figured while I tried to fall asleep I would ponder some things I may have learned while I’ve been here in Haiti.



I don’t think this next paragraph will be agreed upon for a lot of people but remember it’s my perception you don’t have to like it 😛

One night I was out with Val getting some food and drink when most of everyone I saw out was young and thriving, then I saw 2 older gentlemen walking around but with no discontent or judgment for the somewhat rowdy youth. When I think about being back at home and lets say you’re in your car listening to music a little louder than “they” would like, you tend to get a bad look/ glare or you have tattoo’s… something a long the lines of that. I started to think that maybe these people are to close minded and un-cultured who are judging (I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times don’t judge other’s until you know them… bet you probably still do it; I know I do sometimes). By no means am I saying all “older people/Elders or supposedly mature people”  are this way but I just think they might be lacking exploration of different things, all the way from different culture around the world to seeing life’s necessities around the globe. I am absolutely not saying that I’ve been exposed to way more and learned a lot more but I still feel I’ve had a lot of experience especially from Haiti alone. If some of these people have… maybe they just weren’t open to learning or changing from it.

Some people may say “well I’ve been around the world, experienced culture etc“.  For a lot of the people I’m not talking about “hey I went and visited family in Europe and then we went to a shopping center and saw some museums and historic places” or “hey I went to Cancun for spring break… it changed my life!“. I’m talking about getting into the community doing things with neighbours living in the culture not just visiting family.

I think that was most of my thoughts a lot people may not agree with.

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Mixing cement Haitian Style

Hmm… I really need to keep a recorder with me because I feel so incite-full during the day and then think I’ll remember what I’ve learned or thought of but it seems to escape me. Well here’s  stab at it anyway:

  • I think a lot of people need to pride themselves in a lot more of the little things they do… it’ll bring up your spirits and confidence. Just the little hammock/lounge area Val and I build, I feel was something minor, but it’s something to feel great that we completed and I’m proud of it.
  • Feel good about yourself, of your appearance be happy that you woke up and the fact that you can smile and breathe air.
  • Be happy with the people who are in your life, they will be the ones that give you the hardest time but get you through the worst of times.
  • Just be open to life, hold no expectation and be willing to learn… even if you think you’re a pro, there’s always something to learn.
  • Bring enthusiasm into the world every day (today I was tired and ugh was it a chore to get up the stairs… I forces a smile said “Yuppie” and what do you know my climb was so much easier!). Try slapping a smile on during the hardest crap you’ll tell yourself “this is stupid” but I bet it’ll probably get you through what ever it is.
  • Time passes things get easier you become comfortable or you find somethings that guides the time along and to cope with the negatives. If you’ve been following my blogs you’ll notice I tripped on a rough patch… well sort of, but look at me now, I’m ready to go for another 6 month’s… haha just kidding but I’m good now I have a smile on things are dandy! 
  • This ties in with my last point, FIND SOMEONE TO CONFIDE IN! Find some one you can trust that you can talk to, they don’t have to have any answers… they just need to listen. You’d be surprised what a difference it is to share your squabbles BIG or small. (Honestly everyone wants to be heard. If you don’t think so it’s probably because you don’t want to bother others… but trust me you want to be heard)

I took this in Stratford, Ont.a good "Wisdom" picture.

I took this in Stratford, Ont.
A good “Wisdom” picture.

I really just wanted to put pen to paper or… letters to screen on a lot of the “Wisdom or Insight” I feel I’ve gained and maybe share it with others to hopefully take away from it :). I’ve kind of known all of this before it was there, but I think Haiti was the cement that solidified these thoughts.

I’ve decided to leave out the “be happy with what you’ve got, avoid complaining” for one I thing it’s been shared over and over and I’ve definitely touched on it already if past blogs. If I had to sum everything up I guess I would have to say “Greet the world with a smile, breath in life and share your love. Only you can bring yourself  up so why let other bring you down.

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Hope everyone enjoys this read I’ll try to write my lessons down when I think of them, I’m lazy though… oh yeah throw on a smile and just do it right?

 I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts and input feel free to comment, email or post on my Facebook Page.

About Justinn

I'm a graduate of many fields but my passion is traveling & helping others. I've come to realize that with my traveling I can teach, guide and learn. I opened this blog originally to help you live through my experiences in Haiti which changed my life. I now pass on my lessons of life and new discoveries for the world to see. If I can change even one person's life it's all worth it.

2 thoughts on “Perception of Life’s Lessons

  1. laurenc129 says:

    All very good words of wisdom. (I’ve had lots of people tell me about how they’ve been around the world, and have absolutely no openmindedness (yeah I just made up a word) at all.) Learning to be happy really does take time. And it’s small things. All those small things that make the difference. They make the hard times shorter. They make the good times brighter. It just makes all the difference in the world. And they are easy things, just not always easy to remember, but making them habits, it changes your life. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed your experience overall! And that you will get to share it. You’ve made such a difference in lives of those you know and even those you don’t. Love echoes far beyond the point where we choose to share it.

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