Shakra + Meditation

Guest Post

>>Your Inner Core<<

You are not a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Each and every one of us homosepians have 7 energy centers called the Chakras. These chakras are like spirals of energy, each one relating to the others. Using the seven colours of the spectrum, Colour Therapy aims to balance and enhance our body’s energy centres/chakras and also to help stimulate our body’s own healing process.


First you have a crown chakra bringing personal identification and oneness with peace & wisdom. Second, you have a third-eye chakra clearing the subconscious to channel intuition, and brings devotion and balance. Third you have a throat chakra, bringing you the ability to verbalize. Letting you express truth through the power of spoken words. Next, you have your heart chakra letting you express love in action and releasing emotionally repressed trauma. Then, comes the solar plexus bringing you positive use of personal power, assimilation experience, manifesting goals, and digestion. Sacral Chakra is next giving you utilization of creative forces into all aspects of being and bringing you direct self-toward devotion. Last, is the root chakra letting you gain ability to work lovingly on this psychical plane.

Now everyone finds comfort and peace in their music they dig, right? It makes complete sense how music stimulates these chakras through frequency and vibration. These healing centers are one of the beyond beautiful things that we are gifted with.


There are many different ways of meditation and it can also mean different things to different people on each sides of the spectrum. Meditation is part of a normal day practice and ritual for a mass amount of people, whether religious or not. Whatever the practice means to you can be enormously helpful as a way of calming the mind, finding your inner peace and has beautiful long-term effects on the body, mind, and soul. This place of inner peace is where we can open up to our higher self, without the ‘interference’ of the ego, where we can find our higher intelligence and knowing. Meditation can be achieved by focusing the mind on a particular object, for example a flower, or a simple shape, a sound, a visualization, or even the process of you painting a picture is a form of meditation.


The most helpful meditation of all is closed eye transcendental meditation. This is the simple act of closing your eyes and staring into your crown chakra. (your lower middle forehead) As simple as this sounds, a mass majority of people cannot even seem to find their minds be still and from wandering off into the realm of infinite thoughts. But with practice, it is beyond achievable in a beautiful manner. Meditation is not only good for all cores of your being, but can help psychically, and very much so mentally. Either removing stress, clearing energy blockages, often some people even find themselves with great ideas after their practice. Meditation should be practiced at least 20 minutes a day, twice a day for each individual. There are many helpful tapes, CD’S, videos around to help with meditation, as they will take the listener through stages of relaxation, or to help build a ‘picture’ in the mind’s eye of tranquility.


With practice, shortly you will find it much easier to meditate, find yourself less stressed, much more stability, both relaxed and having more vitality in a balanced manner, more happiness and making it much easier to be able to ‘switch off’ any time, anywhere, when you are feeling the need for peace that is very much so deserved between all beings. If you can’t find peace in your outer core, know it is in your inner. Along with happiness, no one or thing can bring your happiness (only temporary) except yourself. You cannot depend of anyone or thing to make you happy, because that thing can be taken away from you. Once you realize this and live off of this method, you will find yourself becoming truly happy.

Breathing is very important as well as maintaining a healthy, stable mind-set and body. As obvious as stating ‘breathing is very important’ it is surprising how few of us actually do breathe ‘properly.’ Breathing is something we all take for granted, leading us to be inclined to forget about. Lack of proper breathing can often be a symptom of stress. Since approximately 90% of our energy is created by oxygen and nearly all of our body’s actions are regulated by it, is it important to have a healthy breathing technique in general, or at least to practice every week.


Finding activities to allow your self to create are beautiful ones. Whether it is taking photographs of scenery or painting a picture to express your current mood, writing a poem, song, etc. Creating things made from scratch is amazing when you find yourself coming up with awesome ideas. There is no other feeling that does justice to making your ideas happen in psychical form. This can make you realize how capable of things you are. Every one is an artist in some shape, way or form. Even if you do not believe you are an artist, what you enjoy to do most likely is an art technique. You are more than an artist. You are more than a human. You are powerful, divine, and certainly no one can compare.

Submitted by: Christina Teller











“We are busy beings but without introspection how can you truly see?”